Since August 2020 I'm involved in a new project based in Indoensia. As a psychologist and music therapist, I am currently leading a three years research program at Universitas Negeri Malang. The project is a joint venture between CCI ( Independent Citizens Committees ), University of Malang and the Ministry of Research of the Republic of Indonesia.
My research focuses on music-therapy and it is one of the pioneering researches on this subject in Indonesia. An investigation on the basic building blocks of music such as intervals and scales, will serve as the launching platform for a new form of therapy diseases supported by quantitative data and the modern principles of neuro sciences and shape a formal protocol to treat most common psychological disorders.
The final therapeutic protocol could be applied to groups and individuals as well, either online or performed live. Finally there will be margins to fine tune the therapy to adjust it to personal needs. I am confident that up to 80% of moderate anxiety disorders and up to 70% of OCD and depressive disorder can be resolved or relieved by this therapy. The protocol is not invasive and can be integrated with other forms of psychotherapies treatment and pharmaceutical medications for the most severe situations.
The reference to well known neuroplastic abilities of the human brains is supported by.current neuro-sciences. These are apparent in the normal learning process and during the recovery from trauma ( as the case of strokes ). I am convinced that music paired with formalized visualization techniques and structured activities can leverage the same underlying neurologic mechanisms to stimulate the creation of new neural circuits. These natural qualities can be exploited effectively for the treatment of a wide class of disorders set in a short term therapy.
My idea for this innovative therapy might include further elements, later to be incorporated in the future, so as to embrace a larger approach to life. This may concern nutritional factors, of capital importance for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, and other culturally determined elements reflecting the character of the individual.
For more details and material refer to the Music Therapy section of this website.
Dr. Stefano Scippa Palleni
Thanks you sharing a highly informative article. Psychologist is an art and psychology plays a very huge role in every aspect of our life and we can deal with many disorders with it.